after we began the purpose of the Mothers in Prayer group here in our
Eagle Rock, CA church, there was a woman named Edith that came to me to
tell me the of the change that she’s been seeing in her son. Her son has
been in prison and on the wrong path.
Mrs. Edith has tried to talk to her son about God and about going to church. Unfortunately, her son would mock her and curse God. Just a week after putting her son’s name in The Mother’s Prayer Book was when she noticed a change in his behavior towards her. Now, when she talked to him about God he no longer cursed Him.
Her son has since also accepted his mother’s advice about going to church and trusting in God. Mrs. Edith has been so amazed and cannot believe his new reaction.
Mrs. Edith has tried to talk to her son about God and about going to church. Unfortunately, her son would mock her and curse God. Just a week after putting her son’s name in The Mother’s Prayer Book was when she noticed a change in his behavior towards her. Now, when she talked to him about God he no longer cursed Him.
Her son has since also accepted his mother’s advice about going to church and trusting in God. Mrs. Edith has been so amazed and cannot believe his new reaction.
Mrs. Edith said: “Thank you for the prayers. They are really working.”
Mrs. Denise Davila
Eagle Rock
Church - California
When we trust in God and give Him room to work. He always makes the difference.