Monday, October 28, 2013


I am currently working in a country which has taught me a lot. Due to the difficulties I have faced over my 30 years of marriage and raising two daughters, I have learned to live in any circumstance. Upon my arrival in New Zealand, I continued with my daily tasks. The weather here is cold, windy and sometimes hot, our body often feels the changes.

My husband has a young man who helps him at church and what drew my attention about him was that he doesn’t like anything that is good Lol. How so? Well here comes list: cake, lasagna, cheese, pasta, vegetables, etc. The list goes on and on! He always gets sick and when he has to take his medicine someone has to hold his hand, otherwise he won’t take it. A shot? No way!

I raised two daughters, which I’ve already talked about it, I'm no expert in teaching or taking caring of children but, I remember when I was a child and there was something I didn't like my mother didn't give it to me in a nice and caring way, she would make me swallow it and that’s it! How sad! 

When I had my daughters, I, too faced difficulties in feeding them healthy things because they also rejected it. But I remember that I would make up stories about the onions, carrot, beets, anything they didn't like, imagine! It worked, with the stories I was able to win them over.

I did the same thing when we went out and I couldn’t afford to buy everything they wanted, I had a serious conversation with them before hand, in other words another story.

Now a days, my daughters don’t have any difficulty in eating or in dealing with other people, etc.

Children are a blessing, but we have to learn how to put them in their places, to have discipline in everything and with everyone.

Did you know that as mothers we are their first teachers and if we are bad teachers are children will fail in life. If we have more mothers that are good teachers, we will have more children who will always give great examples and have great behavior.

Meditate on this mothers, and let God’s will always be done, which is and always will be to have obedience!

Proverbs 22:6,7 Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it. The rich rules over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender.

Claudia Brito - Auckland, New Zealand

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